Defense By Design is dedicated to providing quality educational and training programs to suit your conference or convention event, employee training event, and/or client value-add event.

Defense By Design is dedicated to providing quality educational and training programs to suit your conference or convention event, employee training event, and/or client value-add event.
One of the industries that best appreciates what we offer is the insurance industry, who understand "risk management" and "reducing liabilities" and the need for doing both in any company or corporation. But let's not forget you have people that need this same instruction as well.
But absolutely, let's discuss client value-add events, whether for personal lines and/or commercial lines clients. These are a tried-and-true events addressing not only current client retention, but new client prospect acquisition as well. We have lots of ideas and programs to benefit our friends in the insurance industry!
What?! Attorneys make enemies?! Yes, unfortunately we know the dramas that can arise from dissatisfied clients or their family, or even opposing counsel's clients or their family (or even the general public depending on the case), so we have programs to address both physical and data safety and security concerns for the legal profession as well. CLE credits may also be secured and we will work with you to assist in this process, if desired.
And let's not forget training for spouses/teens who could also potentially be the targets of retaliation given the scenarios above.
Whether hospitals needing doctor, nurse, staff and administration onsite training to accommodate all shifts to more private practice or professional building programs offered throughout the day to allow for flexible attendance, we have programs available. CME/CNE/CPE/HRCI/SHRM credits may also be secured for such programs based on need.
Additionally, programs for spouses/teens or even the larger community may also be offered to cover both internal HR and external PR objectives together.
Whether banks, credit unions, CPA firms, or financial advisory or wealth management firms, both physical and data security are critical issues to be addressed. CPE credits may also be secured, if interested, and we can help in that process if it is something you wish to offer as a bonus for attendance.
And in this given vertical market, client value-add offerings (whether for personal lines and/or commercial lines clients) are highly, highly recommended to assist in enhancing client retention.
From school districts and private schools to colleges and universities, we have the educational spectrum covered. In-service seminars are also available for such professional groups in 1-3 hour offerings. Continuing education credits may also be sought and secured, if desired.
And let's work with your PTA/PTO/PTF to offer something special to parents and the general public while we are there, combing great HR with great PR in the community.
Those who manage multi-tenant office buildings face unique challenges — not unlike a more residential HOA environment in that they are charged with the security (and liability) of numerous business entities. These same entities then also have individuals employees, who also can bring issues and dramas of their own onsite — yet again with property management often responsible and liable for such concerns. We can definitely help address and mitigate such issues, also helping provide a clear and present paper trail of documentation and due diligence to address those legal/liability issues.
First, we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE out professional association friends! If you have a conference or convention (state, regional, or national) coming up, absolutely let's talk!
We can even offer early onsite training for possible vendors, exhibitors, sponsors or others that come before the normal crowds, addressing some of their unique coming-and-going concerns as well as the chosen subject matter and angle for your particular industry attendees at the event itself. Professional association conferences and conventions are definitely a specialty of Defense By Design, and have been for years!
Churches, Synagogues, and similar face unique sets of challenges as their focus is on outreach and community -- often through volunteer efforts. Keeping such volunteers safer in the field where cameras, alarms, and access controls hold little to no relevance is key to a comprehensive risk management plan. Staff safety onsite when weekend services (and security) are *not* the focus are also crtical points to address. And we can help!
Needless to say, offering other programs as outreaches to your community and even your business community might also be points of interest and consideration, and you can even share in such costs with other houses of worship in your area, inviting them to participate with you for an added ecumenical outreach.
While offering training to a *single* restaurant would be cost-prohibitive, several restaurants or (better yet) franchise groups may combine to offer such training throughout a given day allowing for different shifts to attend, thus also splitting the costs in doing so.
For many of the same reasons listed under multi-tenant property management, multi-family faces many of the same “moving parts” concerns where their residents are not only their sources of revenue — but sources of liabilities as well. What issues, concerns, dramas residents bring onsite can affect the overall property, its operations, its reputation and more. Addressing such concerns proactively is essential in mitigating the risks associated with the same. This is where, once again, we can help do so along with that all-important aspect of documentation related to that due diligence.